Having wealth is great, as well as being able to live in a country where such great achievable potentials

are everywhere! But!! When I read cable companies and others are taking in profits of hundreds of billions

of dollars a month! C E O’s getting paid in the hundred’s of millions of dollar salaries, plus millions

in bonuses! While people working for these companies have to take to the streets to get the minimum

wage changed from $7.50 an hour to $10.00. People cannot live nor support their families on

such low wadges. This is f–ked up and down right insanely wrong when their money is made on the

backs of the very people these companies rob! I use the word Rob because there is a line in business

once it is crossed, it is no longer business but criminal/ taking advantage of people. What’s so crazy about

these types of money hungry people, they die miserable with the thought of leaving all their wealth behind.

All these so called youth creams, scientist seeking youthful remedies are the panics of the rich and famous.

At the end of the day, to be young again or to be able to rise up off your death bed, I’m sure they would

gladly give up there wealth to live another day! ( Greed is a form of  mental illness) Money is the root of evil.

No one living in this world should be without the basics in life for survival considering all the natural

resources and wealth on our planet! How do someone own a planet? This planet is our birth right!

But when you have 2% of the population taking 80% of the worlds wealth by any means necessary,

what you see is exactly what you have allowed to happen. Capitalism is about making money which I

am not against, but I am against how unfairly capitalism is controlled in the same hands of a select few!