I heard on a News Station, there was an abused wife for many years by her husband.

At some point, the husband moved out living with another woman. The wife purchased a

gun and asked her son if he would object to her killing his father. She shot and

killed her husband, after which told her son to call 911. This is my question, even though

this crime seems to have been premeditated which could be a life term in prison.

The wife received a lesser sentence of 3rd degree because of prior years of abuse in

her marriage (7 years). I’m not objecting to the sentence, I’m merely making a

point! If a child is born to unfit parents in a drug infected environment, practically

raising his or her self finding themselves in front of a judge for crimes they committed.

The Judge gives heavy sentences to these kids. I ask, are these kids responsible for

their actions? These same children in a different environment would be different!

There is more than enough blame to go around for everybody. Racism, for example,

is ignorant for an individual to think He or She is better than another simply because

of skin color or wealth, which is part of the problems. The same value determining factor of foods is the same for humans. Just as food is valuable because without it humans would die!

What an individual or individuals do for Humanity is the determining factor

of human value. Hollywood with its Violence on the big screen and in the homes

around the world is part of the problems, which the actors making these horrific movies do not allow

their children to watch! People remember you are a product of everything that enters into

your mind, based on one’s mental, educational, or Spiritual ability is that which makes

manifest or bring forth you! Schools are outdated for most! You are what you know, just that simple!

Lack of proper knowledge/Education is part of the problem.

Parents these are your children, ask yourself did you plan for your family? If not then you were acting

irresponsibly, therefore subjecting your child to this world we live in, not knowing whether or

not your child will be properly able to sustain himself or herself! This is part of the problem.

There is enough blame to go around.