I was watching a Pro-Life movie. This 24 year old female no high school education with 5 children, no job,
no man to be found, living on public assistance/welfare! The question was asked to her what advice would
she give to your children, her answer was not to make the same mistake I did which was get pregnant.
There was 4 more children after the first one! People knowingly commit crimes, get caught!, lie about it or
hire an attorney to get them off. Don’t do the crime, if you don’t want the results!
A person can work a job and knowingly not perform to their best,
or is completely satisfied with someone else taking up their unnecessary slack while getting the same salary! If You are hired to do a job, do it!
No Accountability and Irresponsibility is a problem!!
Every one is entitle to their opinion, but it is only just that! Opinions no matter how many, does not make a
wrong right nor a right wrong. The question is, what determines right from wrong? What if there is no such thing as right or wrong, only just manifestations of actions.
Cause and effect plus time determines wrong or right based on the sustainability or lack there of, on Life.
A Bill of Rights is needed to govern, treat people as you wish to be treated. Religion, is one’s way of Life made manifest striving to be the best you can be,
YOUR BODY IS YOUR TEMPLE!. I think knowledge comes through personal experiences and observation of Nature as it relates to the sustainability of itself.
Right, is the positive lasting effects on Life!, or the sustainability of Humanity/Planet/Universe! My opinion!
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