The system in which we live is a Capitalistic system based on capitalism, an economic

and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private

owners for profit, rather than by the state. The Federal Reserve Bank is  privately owned.

There was a time when the dollar’s printed were backed by gold or silver which covered the value of the

paper note. No more! In reality paper money is worthless! It is used as a medium of exchange.

I often hear our fake politicians, I use the word fake because they do not represent the

people who elected them into office, constantly speaking of over whelming deficits and

budgets! How can this be if there is no real value to the paper money? Also how can an individual

be put in the office of the President of the United States, the most powerful seat in the world

with no experience at all having the power to start wars, drop bombs and take people’s healthcare away.

The majority of the voters do not elect the President of this United States. Fake!!! Dead does not necessarily

mean lifeless, an individual or individuals can be non-productive, uneducated, drugged up or

locked up! Is mentally and physically dead! At the end of the day, nothing is what it appears to be.

Something is really wrong/fake with this human race, and I think we all can agree!

Humans are the one thing this planet would be much better off without! This is sad to say!