Getting right to the point! When there is no oversight and accountability in government, its an open door to corruption and taxpayers money. People have no clue as too the depth of so call corruption which has been covered up with lies and half truths. The reason I say so called corruption Is because too the people who are in charge it’s business as usual. The same lies year in and year out, concerning what the American need; If I hear a politician say that one time I will throw up! While doing nothing but getting rich! Today the world is worse off than Ever! At fault are those who have been and are still running this government today! There is no longer a government of the people, for the people and by the people. This last presidential election proved that!. Hillary Clinton had over 3 million more votes than Trump yet Trump won. Greed and thirst for power has destroyed what was a great country. Trump won the election on promising to clean up the government and draining the swamp of corruption, which he proved to be the leader of the swamp people. If one or two are exposed for wrong doings and if they are convicted, a slap on the wrist, a few months in a plush jail if any time served at all! I sit up nights trying to understand the thoughts of these wealthy people at the top. My only conclusion is this type of thinking/greed is a mental sickness of wanting to be controlling and all powerful, there is no other explanation. I have no problem with attaining wealth, It’s the means by which the wealth is attained. The poor are lead down a mountain of false pretenses being equipped with improper knowledge in order to secure and sustain the wealth of the 5% at the top of the mountain. Example: There is no reason for millions of people to be suffering in this rich country America which was built on the backs of slave laborers, and the millions of poor who died fighting wars for the rich and got nothing in return. The 5% having wealth in the billions of dollars, and still want to take what little a poor individual has. It is obvious that today Trust and Honesty is lost in our government and market place! When a company is taking in billions of dollars in profits, people you are getting overcharged! What is the harm in letting people live stress fret?. Earning a salary equal the economic growth, it’s a paper economy for the masses while the 5% have all the resources .
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