We are who we are based on adaptations of contacts in life and lives lived.
Out of every experience there is something to be learned providing your Spiritual Eye is open. Blessed are those who have eyes to see!
Out of cause and effect comes reason. This means there is a reason for everything. Let’s talk about reasons, you are in this place because of decisions that were made before or bye you.
Now let’s talk about reason’s for decisions. Habits or You are a product of your DNA and knowledge. This is why education and the lack thereof is so important!
The lack thereof is beneficial for the controllers/rich. Because being properly educated your life would be different!
12/01@ 6:42 on the 2nd 0f 2017 the largest Tax reform bill in 30 years which will effect the poor and middle class people was passed by your elected republicans will put your children in economic slavery.
These rich people are mentally ill and dangerous.
I’m only repeating what I hear the news media calling our President! Which is true. The rich have too much power and control
over the majority of the people. Educated people would never allow a tax bill to pass which will effect the lives of their children and
grand children without it being totally explained in every detail. Things that are happening in this world today are life changing forever.
The poor have always lived in the enter cities for years because at one time it was proven to be an unpopular place to live.
The middle class and rich moved out of the city into what is called the suburbs, supposedly free of crime and people of color/less educated.
As time changed the course of things the city became the popular place to live where jobs and activities began booming along with the price of real estate and the convenience of living near one’s work place.
I see suburbanites today living all over the Hood, where just a few years ago they were never seen nor would they be caught dead in the locations where they are living now!
They are every where!!!!!! It literally blows my mind to actually see the transformation taking place in such a short period of time! They are everywhere and it’s ok.
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