An economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. Capitalism is the system of America whereas people who die or suffer standing in the way of private owners profits are simply Collateral Damage. These school shootings where children are killed with automatic weapons, the answer to the problem is a no-brainer. The bull sh-t, lies and the hypocrisy in our government has come to light or should I say people is finally waking up to the reality that no one gives a sh-t about them, only your money! Our elected officials has sold their voter out to big business, and continue to get re-elected year in and year out! The government of the people for the people and by the people is gone!!! Only to return for the rich of the rich and by the rich!!! We the people are going to have too take back control of our Body, Mind and Money!!!!!
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