I have always said when it comes to locking up our children for crimes, there is enough blame to go around. The environment is a major factor which determines ones outcome. Parenting, how a child is raised and educated is another. Being programed by this system in which your ignorance/wrong doings is profitable for the system has become a sustainable part of our economy. Instead of Accountability we put our children in jail or in the grave as the results. We are too quick to place the blame on the Child when in reality it’s not the child’s fault! Getting a little philosophical, it is written your children will pay for what your parent or parents did or did not do! Check the child’s DNA I know for a fact that your DNA is a major factor in ones character building, the poor child is doomed before he or she is even born, and topple that with the violence and sex on television 24 hours a day, bullying and being showered with pictures of a fake good life which in most cases is unreachable and you wonder why there is a Drug and mental problem among our children. Down the street there is a Gun Shop where this depressed child can buy an automatic weapon with a 30 round clip with which to take out his frustrations, No Accountability for far too long!!!!The same principle applies with Trump! Do you blame Trump for the way things have turned out since he is President or the spineless GOP and Democrats who allow him to get away with No tax returns, No security clearances for family and friends, personal unlimited access to taxpayers money. NO! The Blame falls at the foot of the American people!!!!!!!
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