Rudy say the truth ain’t the truth, but I say the Truth is the Truth and nothing but the Truth! Making America great again is not referring to people of color. The constitution was written for White people only. The slave masters are not putting their slaves under the same umbrella as them. (common sense) The second amendment is a perfect example; The right to bare arms was for their (slave masters) protection against the slaves! This country was taken from the Indians who were killed off while those who were left put on reservations to starve. The Chinese were slave laborers, the Africans were slave laborers, the Mexicans were slave laborers! Freedom is carved out of economics, establishing a working productive and progressive means of survival for your own as a people that works’s within and with the present day economic system! Too this very day people of color are look upon as second class citizens while some that are living and working here in America are not considered citizens! There are major opportunities in this country which people are not taking advantage of and have no one to blame but themselves for their predicaments. Opportunities doesn’t last forever and with the forthcoming of technology things change in very big dismantling way.(job loss) Our president has planted the seed of make America great again to his die-hard followers regardless of Trump being proven to be the most outward racist, hypocritical, corrupt, backing stabbing president of all times. This is what is being said plus evidence has proven this to be true! How one is looked upon does not matter as long as you are progressing. It only matters to those who wants to make America Great Again! This is the problem I think the Trump supporters are having, the fear of becoming second class citizens or out numbered at the voting box. This is the mentality of the die-hard klan, poor and uneducated trump supporters, not all. Why else would such a character be sitting in the white house representing this great country American? Let’s not forget the electoral colleges put Trump in office, another example of something put in place to keep the election out of the hands of the slaves. There are a lot of great wonderful people of all colors and personalities that keep Hope and Love alive. People that are about something and educated realize we all in this together. Only the rich are profiting from our ignorance, stupidity and unwillingness to come together as a positive Universal force to save ourselves and this planet!