The definition of falling is moving from a higher level to a lower lever be it fast or slow! America has been slowly falling for a very long time, I guess we could say from the very beginning. The same as being born is starting to die! Just as out of ignorance people die because life knows no death. No one can remember starting to live! America and the world for that matter of a fact are self-sustaining by laws of nature. The human body is more than a mere organism. There are cells in the human body for the purpose of gaining intelligence that is governed by laws. When these laws are broken, the results are manifested in and around the body/environment. As the values inside of our leaders change, so does the manifestation of the country which they govern. This being said, this present day state of our government/country which is being made plain to see as a corrupt, immoral, unjust, greedy, and selfish, with ignorant poor role models for human are the leaders. The rapid changes in the climate due to pollution is throwing off the balance of nature which affects all life on this planet! Greed, and having no respect for the rule of laws which govern our country by our leaders, get off with little or no jail time, yet giving harsh unjust punishment to the poor for breaking the same or lesser laws. This creates tension and distrust between the people and the government. A major disproportional amount in wealth and quality of education between the haves and the have nots creates. Humans are falling, purging, sickness, and joblessness continue to run rapidly. The rich continue to get richer while spending taxpayers dollars searching for livable planets in the universe (poor and middle class not allowed) before our planet falls completely.
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