We have an unpresidential President who has been impeached from his office. The impeachment trial was held where no witnesses were allowed to testify against the president and supported by 98% of the elected republican party who took an oath before God to uphold the constitution and obey the rules of laws of America. This was a shame and a sham on the American people. A government for the people, by the people, and of the people has become a government for the rich, by the rich, and of the rich where transparency and justice is nowhere to be found! What a shame truth has become blinded with greed and selfishness which has manifested all the poverty, corruption, wars and every evil and vile thing on this planet! Have we not learned anything from prior civilization, as we are now on the brink of self-destructing. What do I mean self-destruct? There are Laws of God, Laws of Nature, Laws of the Universe which must be obeyed in order to maintain balance for maintaining maximum existence! No man-made laws can maintain anything, just look around in our world! There is a balance in nature for the perfect maintaining of planet Earth! Without balance, there is climate change that interferes with the planet and every living thing. Just as the imbalance of our economic system where 1,2,3% of the people have or control 75% of the wealth, is causing so much suffering and unrest among the people unnecessarily! People thinking they are better than another/racism is a form of insanity in that individual or individuals and a lack of proper knowledge in those who lack self-esteem. What is power but the lurking insecurity of self-worth! There is more than enough wealth on this planet that everyone could live in peace, have a house with a bathroom and running water! At the drop of a hat, we pulled out over $2-trillion to fight this coronavirus just in America! When this virus is over, I want to see $trillions of dollars going to help clean up the environments where people are starving, and don’t have the basics for sustaining a healthy productive life, there is no reason for the lack thereof! This planet is the only place we have to live, the time is now for Balance and obeying God Laws! Laws of Nature, and Universal Laws.