At this point in time approximately a little less than 2-months before the most important presidential election in our American history. What makes this election so important? If you had any commonsense, you would know the answer based on the information that has and has not been presented by our President! Forget about Democrats or Republicans but look at the governing of this America through the eyes of commonsense! The same old politicians have been re-elected into office for years. This is why Nothing has changed for years with the exception of them getting richer and the American people getting poorer. Example: If you want a dog to do a trick, you throw it a treat! At what point do the American people wake up to untruths covered with untruths and treats thrown to them at election time by the politicians elected to serve in the best interest of America and all of the American people. The rich get the fruits of your labor, this is why they are rich, and you are poor! True story: I walked into this very expensive store, upon saying to the owner I assume only the rich shop here, his reply was, no! The poor shop here, this is why they (poor people) have no money. A simple profound truth! I am a veteran when the call to war came, I went as did so many others, some making the ultimate sacrifices along with their families. I personally think all veterans and their families should be set for life by our government. The rich who has the most to lose during wartime stayed home making money while the poor blacks and whites who have nothing fought and died in reality for them as it seems. Now! What is happening in our democracy is a breakdown of everything this country stands for by people with no political experience at All is absurd and downright crazy! I have never seen so much proof of corruption and disregard for the rules of laws by a President and his administration other than watching some third world dictator. This is very frightening to think our democracy and freedom are at stake in this election! The 20/20 election where racism, violence, and fear is the zeal for moving America forward, how stupid can you be? I thought Trump would make a great peoples president, I was wrong! Money and power bring out the best or worst in a person and in Trump’s case he wants to rule forever and the G O P is banking on him, why else would they support this type of behavior as a leader.! The American people are being taken over with treats and fear! How about creating good-paying jobs for all Americans, quality education, health-care, and the rich needs to stop being so damn Greedy, let loose some of the money! There is no transparency or holding those accountable for wrongdoings in politics, no one should be above the laws. The political swamp has got to be cleaned out! Starting with only two terms in office and getting rid of the electoral college, putting the election in the hands of the people majority. The last two republican president winners did not get the majority of the American voters, vote! If there are background checks and requirements on everyone working in government, then why not on our President and politicians who make very, very important decisions for the country, people around the world should be held to the highest standard with no outstanding blemished record whatsoever, and experience should be a requirement for everyone, especially people running this government, the most powerful country in the world! I have never seen so much hypocrisy among politicians as I have seen in this republican party, and there is never a yes or no answer to any question asked.
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