I walked into this very expensive store owned by someone I know personally. As I looked around at some of the very expensive items, I happened to make a comment only the rich shopped in such a store, to my surprise his reply was no, poor people shop here also this is the reason they have no money! To hear him say that, the truth hit me like a ton of bricks. Be it Black, White, Yellow, Red, Old, Young, Educated, Uneducated, So-called beautiful, So-called ugly at the end of the day, it’s all about the Rich getting your money and keeping you under control and threat-less to them. Think about crime for a second! Educated people do not commit petty crimes, only the uneducated! Look at the amount of wealth generated for the rich lawyers, judges, security firms, food companies that supply the privately owned prisons just to name a small few. Sad but true, it is all about your money. Sugar is an addictive harmful drug used to get you to continue buying their products regardless of the harmful effects. Cigarettes deadly and addictive, but sold to you regardless. Now, over time putting these chemicals into your body serious health issues began to happen along with medical bills to take your savings/retairment. A means to a dollar. There was a time in business when honesty was its base which now has long gone. You can’t trust anyone today and they over charge people for everything! You don’t become multi-millionaires and billionaires in business unless you are taking advantage of people. It is very easy to take advantage of and manipulate people if they are uneducated and are being misdirected/tricked. Now! You can understand why the educational system is like it is in poor neighborhoods, MONEY generated for the rich in so many ways. Black Americans are a sad race of people. We have had opportunities in this country to achieve great wealth as a people and help our forgotten people in Africa who are starving on this very day! We have failed miserably and our children will suffer if we do not turn around now, and invest in our Families, Children, Education, rebuild our neighborhoods, get involved in the economic mainstream in this country and around the world, teach the value of money, and how to use it. I read in the newspaper our black billionaire brother Michael Jordan is buying into NASCAR. When are we meaning those who can afford to invest in us, starting buying into Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter because we need a self-sustaining economy within this economy in order to ensure our survival? 95% is in this thing together. How is it that Wall Street and the top companies are making record profits in this Covid-19 pandemic? How is it that this economy is doing so great when we have 40% of the people who are unemployed and businesses that closed may never re-open again? Technology and robotics are the beginning to the end of humanity. Save ourselves!