Racism in America is tied to our economy. President Trump saw the fears whites have of people of color becoming the majority in America and ran his campaign on it, which he nearly won. We saw these results in our 20/20 election of Joe Biden being elected President, we saw the results of democrats winning senate races in Georgia was due mostly to people of color getting out to vote. There is power in numbers equaling these results, whites may be falling behind in numbers at the polls, but not in gun ownership! It boggles my mind why we All just can’t get along. Asians are beginning to feel racism for 3 reasons (1) They are foreigners (2) People of color (3) People with businesses and buying power which makes them more of a threat. The Jews, the Gays are or were discriminated against the same as people of color. The difference is, Their Education, Family, and working together to build a strong economic base to sustain themselves as a people, money talks! Something Black Americans for numerous reasons cannot seem to do! Blacks here in America had opportunities as a people to rise to unlimited heights economically and help our brothers and sisters throughout Africa and did nothing! The American negro gets no respect anywhere in this world, and why, because respect is earned. Regardless of skin color or type of hair, intelligence will get you a seat at the table and money will guarantee you a voice to be heard. I think Asians feel superior to Blacks in America, as I stated earlier, the American negro gets no respect at all. Asians fail to realize, in the eyes of the KKK if you are not white, all other people of color are put into the same pot! Trump ran his campaign on this type of racist hatred and got over 75-million votes with 95% of the Republicans supporting it. I see things getting terrible for black Americans in the future because there are only so many slices of this economic pie with many takers with money! We could be very well waiting for a train that has left the station.