I can only base my opinions on my experiences and knowledge obtained through applying over the years> Proper knowledge accompanied with discipline manifests change accordingly. People are born with instincts such as an immediate reaction to danger, the blinking of an eye as an example. As far as surviving in a created economic world by the wealthy you will never be taught how to rise above the creators or be in a position to dethrone them and also you will never be paid your true value to their company. I was never taught to be anything other than a consumer or worker. I knew nothing of, nor was I taught about becoming self-employed. In fact, in most cases, your employer will pay his employees the least amount of money possible. Based on my experiences in this life I call myself a philosopher / Life consultant and have come to the conclusion that an individual’s level of consciousness/knowledge applied is his or her world. In other words, you don’t have knowledge of what you have not experienced. I cannot speak on that which I have no knowledge of, to do so is the blind leading the blind! I listened to a local News channel and the twisting of truth along with race hatred propaganda was most frightening and dangerous to our government and freedom in America as I have ever heard. The talking is ok because of our freedom of speech, the danger comes to fruition when millions of people believing this twisted truth and acting on it for their lack of knowledge or misdirection! Also seeing and hearing elected Republicans support such lies even if they disagree, for fear of not getting re-elected by the people they represent. Great countries are destroyed from within, I see it coming. Example: We as a people are living in a mental state of insanity being made manifest in our lives every day. Our economy was doing badly before covid 19 if it were not for the stimulus money, where most of it went to the wealthy, and the poor that received it spent their money stimulating the wealthy business owners businesses this country could be in very serious financial trouble. I read wall street investors along with the rich businesspeople made billions of dollars during this pandemic, which makes no sense nor seems possible! The truth is not being told, especially concerning the fuel pushing race hatred here in America, it’s about lack of future jobs due to technology/robotics and qualified people to fill the upcoming new jobs, also people of color becoming the majority at the voting boxes, the senate races in Georgia was frightening for the Klan, which seems to be the base of the republican party, The wealthy at the top must turn loose some of their billions in order to help solve the problems facing this country and humanity. Education, equal justice under the laws for everyone, along transparency are the steps necessary to begin to change. January 6th insurrection on our Capital which to this date as well as our Presidential election of Joe Biden is denied by our Republican party and millions of Americans is unbelievable, our free and honest election is what makes America great! Our oceans are dying, while Japan is dumping millions of tons of toxic wastewater into them, our freshwater is in short supply in this country, and people needs to be educated on future and present-day living and surviving, just to name a couple of important things that could use some attention.
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