Out of the Human Mind came this physical environment and this physical body equipped with what’s necessary to sustain the life inside, along with universal Laws governing all. The Law of generation, which is adaptability along with sustainability is a mystery in human consciousness, and of human life very little is known outside of the science lab. In our exceptional made world life is the energy that propels all forms to action. Life in the body is like electricity in a motor with nerve centers acting as engineers to direct and regulate its electricity to get the best results. The engineer of the life force in the human body is the life ego, which is the consciousness of life in the organism. I don’t expect everyone to understand what is written, however, the point I am making is, Divine or Universal laws have been provided and will meet all human needs if obeyed. Every cell in the body is thought-consuming and its initial impulse is to conform to the Spiritual or Natural Law. When this Law is not observed by your natural will, cells are reduced to habits of destruction destroying the organism, such as aging and sickness. The human body is formed to our needs for survival on our planet, just as the planet is formed to keep life and humans alive. Seeing the energy of a volcano erupting can give you an idea of the amount of energy the Humans body is composed of. Scientists say there is enough energy in one single cell of the human body if properly released could destroy a large building, this being said, no one can estimate human potential when your body is composed of trillions of these same identical cells. Having this knowledge, this being the living purpose of physical life. Those who have accepted their reality of acquiring things and dying, while purchasing death insurance, when life is not about death, are opening up the graves for themselves. This is where you are, your world is your level of consciousness which you develop around consciously or unconsciously. Problems come from allowing selfish dominations. Humans are the dominant thinking and character-giving force of the earth and have made it a place of desolation when it should be a paradise. Look around, we can only blame ourselves for the condition of ourselves and our planet. Not being a part of the decision-making that affects the planet, our lives, and the lives of our children put us at the front of this disastrous course. Humans are and will continue to be tormented because they have refused to be obedient to the Universal Laws of God. I want to share this with you. A change of mind affects a corresponding change in your body and the planet. Every experience is remembered and stored up in the subconscious mind. Justice is made manifest through the subconscious mind where personalities and attitudes symbolize different phases of the intellect. What are animals but living subconscious personalities made manifest? So you think, so are you has been said! What is real and how far have you been misdirected?