The lack of understanding is fueling the uncertainty of today and the future moving forward in a sustainable way. We have forgotten the golden rules, you reap that which you have sown. Where does the blame really belong when it comes to our climate? The rich, greedy, and selfish want it all at any cost! The ignorant and weak-minded unknowingly allowing themselves to be manipulated leaping without thinking. Then we have the book educated not knowing real-life exist, living in a world of make-believe until reality strikes. What we see happening today is the harvest of neglect of neighborhoods drug infestation, improper education, no family structure, no jobs, no education means no money and no peace in the homes. I cannot believe with all the college professors no one could or would figure the solution to the problems we have been having for over 60-years and continue to this very day! We are reaping today, what we have been doing and not doing for 60-years. HOLLYWOOD, plays a big part in this harvest of violence among the poor, uneducated, and easily influenced. Advertisements are so expensive on television because of the influence on their viewers, fashions, and violence in movies as well as what the actor and actresses do or say these kids watch for hours a day manifest in their life as reality. WE all have to share some of the blame for what we are reaping on our planet today. The rich and politicians are out of control, and again that is our fault because there is no oversight. The price for what we are not doing will be paid by Us and our Children.