If it were not for People/Ancestors who fought and were brutally beaten and even gave their lives for standing their ground when it came to the human rights you have today, where would you be today? To look at some of you, who have accumulated so much wealth and knowledge and do nothing to help your own people to rise above poverty, you are disgusting. You flaunt your wealth and things in front of those who have not and are in need as if to say you are better. In reality, if it were not for those very people, the poor and uneducated, you would not be in the position you are in today. Being rich does not make you a better person, just more of who you really are. Helping humanity is what put’s value on human life and I personally don’t see it coming from the rich. The rich actually think having money makes them better than you, only because you treat them in a way that makes them feel better than you. The reason you are poor is that you spend your money on the overpriced rich. The reason you are uneducated is that if you were educated, you would have better sense than to give them your money and do more to help yourself and give yourself the praise. I watched a documentary of the Viet Nam war while watching American soldiers getting blown up, dying fighting this war supposedly for our country. To see Americans today killing one another as if life has no value, people thinking they are better because of skin color, Preachers stealing and lying in the name of God hypocrisy is running rapid, no role models as our own politicians supporting insurrection on our own capital, and refusing to support an investigation that would get at the truth of what really happened that day Jan,6th. Truth needs no explanation! How easily we forget, there were trailblazers before you.