I think starting at the beginning of Christianity in the 1st century, starting with a small group of apocalyptic Jewish Christians. They believed Jesus was the Son of God and that He died for the forgiveness of sins and was raised from the dead and exalted by God. Christianity established itself as a predominantly Roman religion in the state church of the Roman Empire. Christianity in the 21st century is characterized by the pursuit of church unity and the resistance to persecution and secularization. The people are the manifestation of their church/religion. Looking at our leaders and representatives of God putting their hands on a Holy Book representing the Words of their God means nothing to them judging by their actions/hypocrisy. Everything has to be explained in this world when Truth needs no explanation! The problems are people themselves not obeying the laws. There is no need for the fine print on a document of importance, just as no need of speaking words needing a dictionary to interpret, just to say sit down. These are unGodly tools used daily for deception and misdirection, to keep the masses of people deaf, dumb, and blind to their ways. What’s happening in America today is the fall of Christianity which will bring total destruction upon humanity. The only thing which separates humans from animals is knowledge.