The biggest lie ever told, was, there is no such thing as something for nothing. Wall Street Bankers and Investors make money from nothing! You give them your money, which they loan back to you at a high-interest rate, making themselves millions and billions of dollars. I cannot believe these middle-class white smart people went for this BS con-game. A thirty-year mortgage buying a home, paying 2-times the value in interest plus the principal at the end of thirty years, too often the property value is not the worth money you paid over the thirty years. There was a time precious metal such as Gold, Silver, and copper was used as a medium of exchange for goods and services. The paper money used could be taken to a bank and be redeemed for that amount of gold or silver. Once realized by the bankers that the public was more interested in the purchasing power of money than the actual value of the money, then the bank owners removed the gold and silver standards making money worthless. Let us not forget, our economic system belongs to the wall street bankers, this is why they are and were too big to fail. This is why 2% of the population (wall street) owns and controls everything. Capitalism was a great system, and they know the pros and cons of their system yet they would rather destroy humanity and the very planet which sustains us all than share a substantial amount of the wealth, which is theirs anyway! Money along with a carnal mind is the root of all evil. Artificial intelligence and space exploration is not for the poor and middle class, it is for the rich only who are trying to live forever blindly, which cannot be done because death is certain to all physical living things. This physical world was created by the physical minded where greed, sickness, violence, and death are inevitable as we see it today. Metaphysical Spirituality is not profitable and therefore was never promoted for this very reason, even though I see more and more people changing their way of living as their values change. The planet has been polluted to approaching the point of no longer sustaining life due to the quest for riches by the 2% while turning their backs on humanity and damage to the earth. All that is written is coming to fruition. Is Progress, progress if the end results are the destruction of our planet and life as we know it! Man has not learned a thing from his past self-destruction.