After reading the heading, you say to yourself has this guy lost his mind? First, let’s define money as a medium of worthless value exchanged for value.
The real value is you! Your needs to live are The determining factor in the degree of life sustainability in keeping you/life alive.
Again I have always said, due to the American way of life we would and have put ourselves in a ring of fire when it comes to surviving here on earth.
All the bad stuff people consumed in their bodies and mind there are effects manifested Spiritually and physically which has enabled a multitrillion-dollar healthcare system to cure ailments brought on by people putting the wrong things into their minds and body. This planet has become a sess-pool for every vile thing and gives a feeling of ungodliness. We have allowed the spiritual cancer of greed, selfishness, and the smartness/ignorance of humans to destroy our planet! Now! Only the rich with their families will be able to leave going into outer space until things on earth get back to normal If ever. Crime and disobeying laws generate $trillions upon $trillions of dollars into the economy. Therefore it is not profitable to stop the crimes and it also explains the fine print written on important papers enabling people to make costly mistakes. It’s all about the power, the love of, and having money gives you power over people. At the end of the day, you would gladly give all your wealth to live another day and spend more time with your loved ones! Does this make any sense, yes to the material/physical minded? There is a reason why it is written, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. The love of power creates dictators in government and the power of the dictator comes from taking power from the people. Death is not the ending but the beginning.
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