Why are we moving so rapidly into the future without taking the time to weigh the outcome?
Just as the days of the horse and buggy were replaced with the automobile bringing along progress but not without cost to the planet(pollution).
There are times when the pros outweigh the cons, and only generational time will tell the effects. Is progress, progress if the end results are the destruction of the human race and planet. The Zeal behind so-called progress is M-O-N-E-Y with no regard as it seems to human life or the
cause of the destruction of our planet. Today upon entering the 21st century as I see the world of Robotics, Artificial intelligence, and job lay-offs being prepared by the wealthy for more profits for themselves. This economic system is failing and people are unresponsive and unaware leaving me fearful for the future of the
poor, low-income, and middle-class. I think people are programmed to live in this world to keep kings, Presidents, and Dictators in power with minimum resistance. Things have never changed for the rich, except with the exception of them getting richer as the low-income have less and less.
The Banks are owned by the rich who owns everything. A few years back big Banks failed due to improper management and the taxpayer bailed them out for almost a trillion dollars, because the banks were too big to fail. That should have sent a clear sign of who has the power. The missing money was never recovered, and no one went to jail for the fraud.
(Figure that one out!! Paper money is a medium of exchange people now barter with replaced gold and precious metals.
There was a time paper money could be redeemed for its value for gold or silver if taken to a Bank.
The rich decided the people did not need the gold a paper note would serve the same purpose,
therefore payable to the bearer on demand was removed from the paper money. Now it’s the worthless
paper used to purchase things of value.
The rich Blacks are shameful they do nothing to help their people, and regular American Blacks could do
more to lift up themselves. It seems like we support everyone financially but ourselves, could this be the reason we have so little?
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