All I see are people in certain communities along with their politicians complaining about the increase in gun violence, not only in their cities but everywhere. Let’s take a commonsense look at these killing problems, we created! There are more guns in America than people. Guns/weapons are made and developed for killing and killing only, as military grade weapons are readily available for almost anyone to purchase as it seems. The lack of education, poverty, the availability of weapons, and living in a violent godless society is causing the problems. Nothing is really being done to fix this dehumanizing problem caused by slavery. Everything done in life has repercussions, as due broken families, lack of education, low paying jobs, feeling less than human and treated as such, and having violence, sex crimes in the homes on television for our young children to watch. These children cannot separate the real from the unreal until that jail door slam behind them or the burning of a bullet in their bodies. The most important thing to regain is the value of life which has reached a point of having no value as God is leaving us. Humans are becoming more like animals if not worse as all animals in the wild, live in fear. This is something that cannot be fixed overnight that took generations to make manifest. The reality is things are going to get much worse, before and if they get better. The love of money and power has proven to be the driving force of it all. A rich friend passed away the other day, leaving everything behind. These rich people are crazy, (not all) and I will tell you why I say this. Crimes generate $trillions of dollars each year in America, and prisons are privately owned so why would the rich want to stop crime, they don’t live among Us. There are job shortages now and definitely will be in the future yet, the rich are building robots and AI to replace humans in the workplace so they can make more profits. Why! They are already having more money than they will ever spend. I just read half the tap water in the US is contaminated with chemicals, someone put chemicals into the drinking water. I assume some rich company did it to cut cost making them more profits, not caring about life at all. Who would poison our drinking water just to make a profit, crazy selfish people which has happened before, no surprise. What are Forever chemicals? People this is our planet/home too! We all are chasing a fake rabbit (misdirection) put in front of us so the rich can have control over us all. Violence is here to stay, and freedom is leaving Us. Today We are living more in a survival mode preparing for what is to come. The poor and uneducated must wake up if they want to live.