This Trump administration as it appears is setting the stage for a takeover of democracy by having no regards for the rules of law in this country. This country is being run by the military industrial complex. If I am not mistaken, it was President Dwight D. Eisenhower who spoke about the concerns of spending gigantic amounts of money for wars instead of internal issues. This administration has passed over a trillion dollar spending bill for the military while our education system for the poor and middle class, along with teachers salaries, health care and the deterioration of our country continues to worsen. The stock market is booming putting money in the pocket of the rich. These power hungry rich people are sick! I know no other way to explain their actions! Having a gold toilet, does it really matter if you need to take a dump if its gold or not? Having billions and billions in wealth while watching people starve or refusing to pay their employees a fair wage, simply because you want to feel powerful. The word for that is insanity. The funny but not so funny thing is, the rich get their money from the ignorant behavior of the masses of people. This could explain why the educational system is the way it is! The rich start wars which earn them trillions of dollars at the expense of hardships and deaths of millions of poor people that are simply labeled as collateral damage. The funny but not so funny thing is, the rich who have everything to lose and gain, do not fight their wars and will put the poor in jail if they refuse to fight their battles. The funny but not so funny thing is, If the rich own everything and the masses of people are not taking the wealth out of the country, does it matter the amount of money the people earn because it seems to me the rich own everything anyway! Meaning the money goes back to them! Example: one multi-trillion company holds or own 95% of all mortgages.
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