Is the glass half-full, or half-empty? To my knowledge, viruses and germs which could harm the human body are in and around us 24 hours of every day of our lives. Having a strong and healthy immune system in our body is the difference between staying healthy, getting sick, or dying. According to reports concerning the people affected by this corona-virus are people of color, the reason being they are less likely to eat healthily and the elderly due to their deteriorating health are more likely to have weak immune systems making them victims early on. Also, a strong Mind can be attributed to a strong immune system. I find human eating habits, as well as the type of foods and products being consumed, destroys the human body and immune system. It is no accident, that health-care is one of the largest money-making businesses in America. Example: Sugar is a very addictive drug that is used in almost every item or product consumed into the human body for the reason to taste appealing, regardless of the harmful effects to your body and immune system. Capitalism is about making money, healthy people do not generate capital! I am a senior, never had a sick day nor do I take medicines. I rely on my immune system, therefore developing a strong one along with providing my body with necessary foods and oxygen. My question is, is it the corona-virus or is it your weak immune system that is killing you?