Getting right to the point! Who are we talking about here? The poor and uneducated comes to mind, the world of technology is changing to Robotics, Electric cars, Modern living, Private schools, Organic foods, and Modern medicines just to name a few things. I acquaint Robotics with greed as well as automation in the advance of civilization with loss of jobs and the downfall of the middle class. There have been civilizations before us or could it have been Us and now we are giving it another try, and losing again? The problem is, we are continuing to put our lives and the future of our children in the hands of ignorant, selfish, greedy, hypocritical elected officials leaders. We have no one to blame but ourselves. We are fighting against one another over skin color, while the rich are getting richer and the poor and middle class are jobless, hungry, and fighting one another over and ousted president trump and the republican party that doesn’t give a crap about you. Millions of people are dying from the coronavirus, our rich Republicans refuse to give the people adequate stimulus money to sustain the people until this pandemic is over. This is our country, we do pay taxes and fight the wars, what’s the problem. On the other hand, We deserve to be treated this way by our elected officials. They are all multi millionaire’s, with 4 months of vacation a year, unlimited expense accounts, paychecks, and pensions we only dream about! These politicians are our/American people’s employees. If we stop fighting one another over this ignorant racism Bull-shit, we may be able to focus on why this country is messed up! We the people are not running this country, we need to vote these sorry sell-out politicians out of office. I Want to thank President Trump for exposing these immoral human beings, now that we know and it’s up to us to do something about them and get this country back to normal.
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