When we think of the underground railroad, an escape to freedom comes to mind. The freedom of today lies with ownership, education/knowledge of the system of that which sustains us as a people and propels us into the 21st century. Looking now and into the future, the train has left the station and we as a people are not on it! These people are the poor, uneducated, and the so-called middle class as some of us like to call ourselves. The rich and our elected officials care nothing about us and it’s time to wake up! For our lives, and for our children to have a promising future it is up to Us to build this economic investment railroad. This is 20/20 and we have been on someone else’s train for over a hundred years that has never left the station, while time has been moving on. This will be a moving train to carry us to freedom. Buying, building, creating jobs, industrial schools, starting businesses, learning centers, take back control of your body, mind, and neighborhoods.