As with all great Empires, they come and go and America is no exception! It seems as though People have learned nothing from the teachers of history. We find ourselves in a country of famines, plagues, Godlessness, and the unveiling of treachery with a total disregard for rules of laws by which this country is governed! The leaders have turned their backs on the American people in a time when leadership is needed most! The cries for Help are not being heard by the politicians who take an Oath to protect and serve the American people, especially in this coronavirus pandemic which is killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. The job loss is in the millions never to return along with many closed small businesses. This economy which relies upon stimulus money has collapsed. This is the beginning of the end of life as we have known it! A vaccine has been made to control the spread of the coronavirus, somethings cannot be rushed and these vaccines are them. No one knows the long term effects, and to be giving these vaccines to all the people at once is very dangerous. Is it possible the human body is breaking down and therefore becoming a breeding ground for viruses?
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