The meaning of America is Freedom, Equal Justice, and voting rights for all! This prior Trump administration/coup was everything but what America stands for.
The Trump election campaign was fueled by racism, hatred, and a total disregard for our democracy with insurrection on the capital. Countries are built on slave labor, by keeping people ignorant, broke, suppressed, and fighting among themselves. This is how the wealthy manage to stay wealthy. In reality, nothing has really changed before there were black slaves, there were white slaves. Welfare and government assistance were not created for black Americans, neither was the second amendment the right to bear arms. These rights and privileges were for white people only! Have you ever asked yourself why you are prejudice against another person whom you do not know? Yet on the battlefield, you are more than willing to embrace this same individual or drink from his or her cup when you are thirsty. People are Judas they say they believe, but do not! This world and the next is a manifestation of what we think and do, or do not do as a people.