It is bad enough the rich 3% of the population own or control 80% 0f all the wealth while the majority of the people are living in poverty or just barely making a living. If this isn’t bad enough, on top of this, stores are ripping customers off beyond making a profit. Example- I bought an HP computer from Staples the salesperson convinced me to buy additional coverage for $199 for 2-years. Within three months the computer stop working, which was under warranty, yet I had to pay out of pocket to get my computer repaired which was not my fault. AARP ripped me off as a Senior by not being truthful. Beginning of the corona pandemic AARP sent me a letter saying because of the virus I did not have to pay my policy for 3-months. I knew I had to pay my premium but not all 3 months at once or else AARP would cancel my policy for non-payment, even though I sent in a payment which they sent back to me. Also when AARP canceled my policy they cut me a check for more than what was needed to reinstate my policy. I feel like the word was out the virus was killing mostly Seniors therefore I was a risk! I had paid almost $12.000.00 into my policy plus they gave me a loan with almost 50% interest based on the payback on the end method which was not explained to me, nor did I request the loan. AARP gained, I lost! Local Contractors, we try to support and get good work done for a reasonable price, $75 an hour just to run some wire in a home with exposed beams. The electrician was in school, my point is to treat people fairly as you would like to be treated. Everybody is taking advantage of people and if you don’t know, you really get F’ed. Televisions in the homes should be free the reason being without televisions companies could not advertise their products for resale. The people get absolutely nothing from these companies for the advertising in their homes. This level of material consciousness we humans have succumbed to is proven to be very destructive. Money is at the root of all evil. There is more money to be made in sickness than in good health!
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