I’m talking politically about how easily the American people can be swayed from the truth regardless of what they see or hear from our leaders. Year in and year out during my lifetime, being old enough to understand politics. The same speech, lower taxes, more money for seniors and public schools, stop the rise in crime, lower the cost of health care and drugs for seniors, and increase taxes on the wealthy 5%. The politicians have gotten re-elected, some have been in office for over 40 years and the promises have not been kept. The system has been proven to be unfair due to the greed and selfishness of some elected officials. This country is more divided today with more hypocrisy in government than ever. The American people seem to be more out of touch, blinded, weak-minded, stupid, or just plain dumber than ever. A person would have to be all the above to keep electing these same politicians who put their hand on the Bible and took an oath to uphold the constitution and serve the American People have lied and only served themselves and Special Interest group. At this point, the blame for our failure in government is on the American people. This is very Disturbing.
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