A man once said to me that he did not believe in a God and I replied to him, that’s okay but I do! I am not trying to convince anyone to believe as I believe as so many religious or occult leaders do every day. Being a leader makes you responsible for your followers because they alter their lives. To look at the creation and sustainability of this planet, how life began and sustain itself through time-based on adaptation, there is intelligence at play here, I can only call it God. If you noticed, animals, plants, and natives life survived hanging in the balance of nature or God if you like to call it that. It was the white Europeans in the name of their god who killed and mutilated everything including their own people. What we see today is an undeniable manifestation of this type of behavior handed down and condoned through their generations. Just last week a white 17-year-old kid carried an automatic assault rifle across state lines to a public demonstration wanting to help as he stated, shot and killed 2 unarmed people, and blew the arm off of a third person. This young man did not carry a bible or a peaceful sign across the state line to the protest. Today this boy was found innocent of all charges, sending the message that it is okay to kill innocent people. This boy is being called a hero and was offered a job by a politician as an intern. This is the world that has been created, with only ourselves to blame but when playing in the dirt, don’t complain when getting dirty. Getting back to God, everything is in the eyes of the beholder and your actions speak for you. It is written, blessed are those who have eyes to see. God is Spiritual not of this material world, Regeneration, Mind over matter, unselfish thoughts, becoming one with Universal Principles and tapping the superpower within our Mind and body. It is also written, we are capable of being god-like. Personally, I see nothing wrong with trying to be god-like! Everything in nature was in the balance until the Europeans came and decided to take over by any means necessary. Look! Open your eyes and look into the history and present-day. The world has been destroyed, life has no value unless it’s your own, there are times when people kill themselves, their own life doesn’t matter. Hell has been created or made manifest here on earth by non-other than people. God is a Supreme Level of Consciousness within yourself made manifest through you as you take the position of your spirit. God is about life! Death is a dead consciousness, the body is only the brain’s means of living in this physical/material world where you have become addicted to food and things that fuel this system. I can’t help but think humans are capable of so much, yet we settle for so little, looking in all the wrong places.
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