This may sound stupid to some of you, but that does not make what I
am saying stupid. However, money boils down to what an individual wants
out of life. Through my experiences, it comes down to two things,
either you know this physical life is the only life for you, or you are
blind, weak, and have no knowledge of your self-worth and Spiritual
capabilities. Blind, can you not see what people in power with the
majority of the money have done to the world? Weak, how can a majority
of people allow themselves to be controlled and manipulated into mental
slavery? Knowledge! People continue to chase fake rabbits in their lives
thinking they are real when they are not! If you never catch the rabbit,
how will you know it is fake? This is the game, the people at the top have
you chasing fake rabbits wasting your valuable life and money. Knowledge
is power for people, and ignorant people are power and money for the rich.
Learn all types of knowledge. People, we need money to live yes! To live
only for money I find is an empty life because Regardless of the amount
of money you may have acquired through life, on your deathbed, you would
gladly give it all away to live another day and spend more time with those
you love. Now! Do you think too much value is placed on money?
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