Having Nothing to lose or thinking this physical life is the end, can make an individual or individuals very dangerous (having only a physical existence mentality). There is a flip side to this life coin, the afterlife and those who believe death is not the ending of life, but the beginning of spiritual life being made manifest according to one’s physical life deeds. Having and believing this type of mind set changes one’s physical life, because now your world is your level of consciousness manifested after death. You are the seed planted in your mental soil. Material thoughts bring forth dead thing, while spiritual thoughts bring forth living things, animals are but living personalities. Let’s examine using commonsense. (1) Having nothing to lose, brings into reality the repercussions of whatever you think and do is all about the me governed by the me/man-made laws. Everything is under laws, be they man-made or Universal. Laws are consequences put into place for your actions. Therefore, without consequences or not believing in a God after physical death, you have nothing to lose for your doings here on earth but your own life. The bottom line is, how you feel about your life here on earth determines how dangerous or loving a person can be. On a coin, there is a head and a tail, on the planet earth there are laws governing creation. When it comes to life itself, there is a physical and a Spiritual side there cannot be one without the other, or can it be?  But above all control your thoughts and master your appetites. There is a relation between thinking and eating, as well as changing conformities toward the value of life, giving you something to live for.