I was impressed with the knowledge and character of the young attorney from the state of Colorado representing Truth, Commonsense, the Rules of Laws on behalf of Justice and the Constitution of American. The question is whether an insurrectionist (Donald Trump) can run for president of this USA. I say if inciting an insurrection was taken off the table, there is more than enough criminal charges and convictions against Trump, should keep him or anyone from running or serving in our government. If it was anyone else, he or she would be in jail. Some of the justices hearing Trump’s case was appointed into their lifetime seat by Trump who was then President. (Which those judges should have recused themselves from their decision making). It seems as though it could be a conflict of interest in favor of Trump, because it seems as though his justices was looking for loopholes in the laws on behalf of Trump. Trump has not been convicted of insurrection; therefore, he cannot be kept off the ballots in the state for that reason. However, Trump is racking up on sympathetic voters, as the intelligence of the American people is at an all-time low. Dictator empowerment in America is very serious and Trump is the right man for the job. Everything in the world is changing and our leaders care for no one but themselves, family and friends. Based on what I’m seeing is a testing of the waters for the future America not including the poor and middle-class, being ruled by a rich dictator. LOOK AROUND!