The Kings and Queens of old leading up to Dictators, Presidents and people of great wealth today got there wealth from the sweat, blood and trickery of the poor and those of unlike character. How easily those at the top forget those who lost their lives fighting their wars, working their plants and fields for pennies a day, from which far more was lost than gained for those that fought and labored. The same goes for the equal rights demonstrations where the few that was allowed to reach the multi-million and billionaire status seem to have forgotten those that fought and died for their rights also. All these Movie makers, Ball playing, cable companies, Wall Street millionaires and billionaires, you all forget where your money come from, The people! For whom you give NOTHING!!!!!! Papa Johns Pizza pay his workers $7.25 an hour, A family of 4 a night at the movies is $100.00 easy. Lets do some math!
$7.25 an hour times 40 hour a week = $290.00 a week. One individual can rent a room depending on location, eat cautiously and maybe pay a utility bill(not in the winter),$290 is gone! What would happen if no one went to Movies, Ball games, Rented cable, bought videos or kept your own money. All I am saying is People deserve BETTER from the Rich!!!!!