About Louis Williams

Philosopher/Life Consultant> It was needful I should have a sense of all conditions, how else should I speak of all conditions.

Technology and Future Changes equals to The Death of millions upon millions of People!

Getting right to the point! Who are we talking about here? The poor and uneducated comes to mind, the world of technology is changing to Robotics, Electric cars, Modern living, Private schools, Organic foods, and Modern medicines just to name a few things. I acquaint Robotics with greed as well as automation in the advance of civilization with loss of jobs and the downfall of the middle class. There have been civilizations before us or could it have been Us and now we are giving it another try, and losing again? The problem is, we are continuing to put our [...]

By |2020-12-19T06:01:25-05:00November 20, 2020|TECHNOLOGY|0 Comments


When we think of the underground railroad, an escape to freedom comes to mind. The freedom of today lies with ownership, education/knowledge of the system of that which sustains us as a people and propels us into the 21st century. Looking now and into the future, the train has left the station and we as a people are not on it! These people are the poor, uneducated, and the so-called middle class as some of us like to call ourselves. The rich and our elected officials care nothing about us and it's time to wake up! For our lives, and [...]

By |2020-11-20T11:24:12-05:00November 20, 2020|EDUCATION|5 Comments

Where Do Opinions Come From?

Too many times I hear people express their baseless opinions. In other words, speaking on a non-experimental topic or situation is a baseless opinion. Being ignorant has very dangerous consequences, such as supporting a racist political party even though you have no idea why you have these opinions of them.  The fact is, other than these opinions being handed down to you, your racist opinions of others are baseless.  The depth of your life experiences determines your ability to have a valid opinion, otherwise it's baseless!  This is why common sense is so important, as we look to nature for [...]

By |2020-12-16T01:32:01-05:00November 17, 2020|Topic of the Day|0 Comments

Acquiring wealth and Money, is over rated!

It seems as though money and more money are what people live and die for. Millionaires and billionaires as it seems can never get enough money even though they have more money than he or she will ever spend. Power and things are a level of consciousness when interrupted by sickness and the threat of death, money no longer becomes one's top priority unless it is needed to keep you alive. If a choice is to be made, your wealth and money or your good health and life, which would you choose? Living for just money and power is a [...]

By |2020-11-19T04:54:35-05:00November 7, 2020|ISSUES|6 Comments


The stock market continues making money for its investors, streaming companies such as Netflix continue to make record-breaking profits along with other rich companies. The poor are not included, while the backs of the poor are what carry this country forward. With record numbers of people unemployed and never to return to their jobs/workforce due to Covid-19! This economy was not doing that great before covid-19! Now with millions of people unemployed and hundreds of thousands sick and dying from this virus with no end in sight, how is it that record profits are being made? First thing, there is [...]

By |2021-10-28T19:38:47-04:00October 7, 2020|EDUCATION|0 Comments

America First!

How is it that America and the principles on which we stand is on the road to collapse?  Our elected officials have abandoned the American people while lining their pockets and becoming lap-dogs for special interest! Money and power are truly at the root of all evil.  I am writing about what has been revealed through the media and my commonsense. Old rich business people like President Trump are ruthless, he said so himself. At the end of the day, it's the American people who allow themselves to be treated this way by giving our elected officials unlimited power over us, and by not [...]

By |2020-11-29T09:05:28-05:00October 7, 2020|NEWS|0 Comments

The Mysteries of Death!

Death is one of those subjects we all have in our sub-conscience yet no one wants to talk about it. In an effort to find some answers, I reflected upon previous life experiences. The human body is an extension of the brain, I need to make this clear. I would say it is almost impossible for individuals to have knowledge of death therefore could it be that death is non-existent, and only that which leads to or causes death is remembered and harnessed in one's consciousness forever. When the body, the physical part of the brain dies losing its connection [...]

By |2020-11-29T09:01:20-05:00October 7, 2020|MIND|0 Comments


I walked into this very expensive store owned by someone I know personally. As I looked around at some of the very expensive items, I happened to make a comment only the rich shopped in such a store, to my surprise his reply was no, poor people shop here also this is the reason they have no money! To hear him say that, the truth hit me like a ton of bricks. Be it Black, White, Yellow, Red, Old, Young, Educated, Uneducated, So-called beautiful, So-called ugly at the end of the day, it's all about the Rich getting your money [...]

By |2020-09-25T04:09:58-04:00September 25, 2020|ISSUES|0 Comments

The Time has Come!

Before I began collecting my thoughts on time, we must first determine what is time and it's value. There are two times, a physical and Spiritual time. The value of time is determined by the individual. Time is always talked about! But is there such a thing as time? Could it be this whole physical existence thing is but a physical conscious level we created out of physical needs, wants, and desires as we continue to create out of the Mind, the Mind creates Us/world! Physical deterioration is time-based, therefore if it is possible to be able to cease the [...]

By |2020-09-20T11:06:04-04:00September 12, 2020|EDUCATION|0 Comments

How Stupid can We Be!

At this point in time approximately a little less than 2-months before the most important presidential election in our American history. What makes this election so important? If you had any commonsense, you would know the answer based on the information that has and has not been presented by our President! Forget about Democrats or Republicans but look at the governing of this America through the eyes of commonsense! The same old politicians have been re-elected into office for years. This is why Nothing has changed for years with the exception of them getting richer and the American people getting [...]

By |2020-09-12T21:52:59-04:00September 9, 2020|ISSUES|0 Comments
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