About Louis Williams

Philosopher/Life Consultant> It was needful I should have a sense of all conditions, how else should I speak of all conditions.

Coronavirus, lessons learned!

The definition of a virus, an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat which is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host capable of infecting and having detrimental effects on others. The virus brought to my mind the story of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf, being the coronavirus! The first little pig built a house of straw meaning having a body of junk food, an undernourished lifestyle, traveling the countryside enjoying sex and rock-n-roll not thinking of the big bad wolf coming to eat him [...]

By |2020-03-15T19:04:14-04:00March 15, 2020|HEALTH|0 Comments

Humans are Robots unnoticed

If we humans are a product of our environment and the type of knowledge that has been put before us, my question is what are human potentials and aren't humans controlled beings? Mechanical Robots are the replacement of human robots that will do far more work requiring far less upkeep.

By |2020-03-15T17:28:08-04:00March 15, 2020|NEWS|0 Comments

You! Let People Treat You, The Way They Treat you!

President Trump was not elected into office by the majority of the American people. The electoral college was established to do just that, keep the decision making of the president out of the hands of the people. Our elected officials took an Oath before GOD to uphold the constitution of these united states and put the welfare of the country and its people first! They are hypocrites at their highest level. What has been displayed by our President, his administration along with Mitch McConnell and the republicans is a disgrace to the founding fathers. They all should be voted out [...]

By |2020-05-12T23:52:38-04:00February 15, 2020|NEWS|0 Comments

Impeachment is Necessary!

The law for impeachment was put in the constitution for the purpose of holding our Presidents accountable to rules of laws. Guilt or innocent is not substantiated by withholding evidence or forbidding the truth to be presented. I think the American people will regret not holding President Trump accountable, and allowing him and the republicans to dismantle our democratic way of life and the Constitution. If President Trump is not found guilty of collusion and corruption based on the testimony of prior witnesses then America is on its way to becoming a Monarch. The American government will be just like [...]

By |2020-01-21T23:13:02-05:00January 21, 2020|POLITICS|0 Comments

Children and Rising Crime!

A quote from the Holy Bible, your children shall pay for what your mothers and fathers did. I add, or did not do! Just the other day I heard on one of the news channels that a 13-year-old along with other teenagers murdered another teen stabbing her multiple times. There seems to be a rise in crime as well as victims among children! I ask, who is to blame and who is responsible for these children's actions? This was a horrible crime no mistake about it, but let us examine how could it have been prevented. (1) The family history [...]

By |2020-01-09T09:22:08-05:00December 16, 2019|EDUCATION, ISSUES|0 Comments

Impeachment 20/20

Getting to the point and keeping a handle on the Truth and commonsense. People encluding the whistleblowers who have come forth with disturbing evidence and proof along with the president's own admission pertaining to the holding back of $400,000.000 in military aid that had been approved for the Ukrainians, unless he (Trump) was given potential damaging information on Joe Biden that would help him possibly win the 20/20 presidential election. The only information I have concerning this historical Trump impeachment is the information American patriots have come forthwith. Commonsense! where there is smoke, there is fire. If the president has [...]

By |2019-12-15T10:47:12-05:00December 15, 2019|ISSUES|0 Comments

The Truth is What?

There comes a time when or should I say there should come a time when things we are told should be questioned? Example; The office of the President of the United States. How is it that a non-political individual can be put in the most powerful position in the world and start making Life and Death decisions which he knows nothing about whatsoever, how is that possible? How is it that and individual elected into the most powerful position in the world do not take orders from the 2% which owns or controls the majority of the wealth in the [...]

By |2019-10-22T08:45:17-04:00October 22, 2019|MIND|0 Comments


There are times I cannot believe I am hearing politicians and physicians telling adults important things concerning their life and health that is commonsense! You would think people need not have to be told everything. Yet stupidity is self-imprisonment or unknowingly allowing oneself to be manipulated and controlled. Does someone have to tell you smoking cigarettes is bad on your health? How stupid can you be to smoke knowing it is putting you in future bad health or early death? Just think about the amount of money that is made from you smoking cigarettes, getting sick! The tobacco farmers, the [...]

By |2019-09-23T22:09:34-04:00September 23, 2019|ISSUES|0 Comments

Where does the blame really belong?

In regards to the condition of our economy and overall performance of the government? How many years have politicians been re-elected on promising to fix the problems they created? It is mind-boggling how easily so many American people are swayed from reality as the rich politicians continue to line their pockets with taxpayers gold. If I hear one more politician say ( this is what the American want!) in order to get their personal views across, when they know they not being truthful, I'm going to puke! At some point, the American people must be held accountable for continuing to [...]

By |2019-09-23T22:04:57-04:00September 23, 2019|ISSUES|0 Comments

Life is only a Game

I want to start by mentioning the amount of money that is made from people self-destructing. We have been made junkies of, and therefore have not or even been aware of our universal potential not as a human but rather as God's and Goddesses who have conquered death. I said all of that, to say we as a people capable of unlimited everything is allowing yourselves to be manipulated into a money-making machine for the players.

By |2019-09-08T17:19:41-04:00August 28, 2019|ISSUES|0 Comments
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