About Louis Williams

Philosopher/Life Consultant> It was needful I should have a sense of all conditions, how else should I speak of all conditions.

To whom much is Given, much is Required!

The rich get richer, while the poor continue to get poorer! Why is this? Could it be a lack of proper educating of the masses on the proper use of money? Could it be people in business take advantage and overcharge the masses? These millionaires and billionaires are nothing special, they just have had an advantage or help in their quest for wealth! THEIR MONEY COMES FROM THE SUPPORT OF THE MASSES, YOU! Speaking of a personal experience. I was in this store that sold high-priced/high-quality sunglasses, I made the comment that wealthy people purchased the glasses, the owner's remark [...]

By |2021-08-29T05:44:16-04:00June 30, 2021|ISSUES|0 Comments

The Public is Out of Touch with Reality!

I can only base my opinions on my experiences and knowledge obtained through applying over the years> Proper knowledge accompanied with discipline manifests change accordingly. People are born with instincts such as an immediate reaction to danger, the blinking of an eye as an example. As far as surviving in a created economic world by the wealthy you will never be taught how to rise above the creators or be in a position to dethrone them and also you will never be paid your true value to their company. I was never taught to be anything other than a consumer [...]

By |2021-08-29T05:47:20-04:00May 23, 2021|ISSUES|0 Comments


I'm talking about the wealthy, the entertainer's the people you the public worship and has made them multi-millionaires with your support. These same people, come to look down on you, the very people that made them very wealthy! Do the entertainer's ever come around and give a discount performance or make a substantial contribution in helping the less fortunate who made them wealthy? Some wealthy people set up charities, but are they really charities if they come with tax breaks? They are no different, you just made them rich! A lot of the wealthy are born into money, while others [...]

By |2021-08-29T05:48:30-04:00April 30, 2021|GRIPE|0 Comments

The Asians and the NAACP

Racism in America is tied to our economy. President Trump saw the fears whites have of people of color becoming the majority in America and ran his campaign on it, which he nearly won. We saw these results in our 20/20 election of Joe Biden being elected President, we saw the results of democrats winning senate races in Georgia was due mostly to people of color getting out to vote. There is power in numbers equaling these results, whites may be falling behind in numbers at the polls, but not in gun ownership! It boggles my mind why we All [...]

By |2021-08-29T05:49:59-04:00April 26, 2021|ISSUES|0 Comments

Adaptation the Vaccines, them that Do and them that Don’t!

First thing, I am not saying do not take the vaccines! I am saying to those who feel they don't need to take the vaccines, that is okay too! When it comes to taking the corona vaccines there are millions of people skeptical and for good reasons. Let's use some common sense here, every human doesn't need to take it! For every action there are reactions, what do we know about the long-term effects of these vaccines or anything for that matter? The effects could be very good, as your body builds up an immunity to the virus as it [...]

By |2021-08-29T05:51:04-04:00April 24, 2021|GRIPE|0 Comments

The Game of Power, Equals Madness!

I am not personally calling these extremely wealthy individuals in powerful positions of governing Mad, it just so happens to be the definition of their character and actions. The definition of Mad is defined as angry, insane, foolish, frantic, resentful, deranged, done quickly, and without thinking or organizing. Therefore I would think the leaders, especially in government should be required to pass an extensive mental test! We have a driving test before being issued a driving license, one has to pass the Bar exam before becoming a lawyer. Yet any individual can be in the most powerful position/president in the [...]

By |2021-04-22T08:26:46-04:00April 22, 2021|GRIPE|0 Comments

The right to have Guns and the spread of violence!

The first thing guns are for killing. The right to bear arms back then in 1791, is different today. There are anywhere from 200 million to more than 350 million guns in the U.S. With these millions of guns does this mean a lot of killings? Over 19000 deaths in 20/20 this does not include crimes with guns. Life is the most valuable thing on this earth, but there are times people make me wonder judging how easily life is taken. In order for guns to kill they need a trigger finger. Let's examine some of the reasons for killings. [...]

By |2021-04-20T02:46:45-04:00April 20, 2021|ISSUES|0 Comments

I Don’t get It! The Poor is getting Ripped Off going and coming!

It is bad enough the rich 3% of the population own or control 80% 0f all the wealth while the majority of the people are living in poverty or just barely making a living. If this isn't bad enough, on top of this, stores are ripping customers off beyond making a profit. Example- I bought an HP computer from Staples the salesperson convinced me to buy additional coverage for $199 for 2-years. Within three months the computer stop working, which was under warranty, yet I had to pay out of pocket to get my computer repaired which was not my [...]

By |2021-04-22T08:14:15-04:00March 20, 2021|GRIPE, NEWS|0 Comments

Televisions in All Americans Home should be Free!

It is long overdue that the American people should be rewarded for their dedication to making everyone rich and getting nothing in return. If there were no televisions in the homes, very little if any company products would be advertised to be sold. The price of an Ad during the Super Bowl for 30 seconds could be in the millions of dollars. This is only because of you, the viewer, and the consumer. All I'm saying is, give up something! We buy your music, go to your concerts we get charged, you make millions of dollars we get nothing back!

By |2022-04-15T01:54:41-04:00March 11, 2021|Topic of the Day|0 Comments

America is becoming and exposing un-American

The meaning of America is Freedom, Equal Justice, and voting rights for all! This prior Trump administration/coup was everything but what America stands for. The Trump election campaign was fueled by racism, hatred, and a total disregard for our democracy with insurrection on the capital. Countries are built on slave labor, by keeping people ignorant, broke, suppressed, and fighting among themselves. This is how the wealthy manage to stay wealthy. In reality, nothing has really changed before there were black slaves, there were white slaves. Welfare and government assistance were not created for black Americans, neither was the second amendment [...]

By |2021-03-03T13:49:32-05:00March 3, 2021|ISSUES|0 Comments
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