

Before I began, I thought the definition of crazy would be in order. Mentally deranged, manifested in a wild or aggressive way. The definition of sane is a normal perception, behavior, and social interaction which is agreed upon by like-minded crazies. I have concluded that people are F/N crazy and do not have a clue that they are mentally deranged! Action speaks louder than words, let's see what sane people do. (1) When it comes to putting foods into your body, people eat food simply because it tastes good to them not knowing that tastes good is based on a [...]

By |2023-05-08T13:31:03-04:00May 7, 2023|ISSUES|0 Comments


Why are we moving so rapidly into the future without taking the time to weigh the outcome? Just as the days of the horse and buggy were replaced with the automobile bringing along progress but not without cost to the planet(pollution). There are times when the pros outweigh the cons, and only generational time will tell the effects. Is progress, progress if the end results are the destruction of the human race and planet. The Zeal behind so-called progress is M-O-N-E-Y with no regard as it seems to human life or the cause of the destruction of our planet. Today [...]

By |2023-04-10T12:55:06-04:00March 30, 2023|ISSUES|0 Comments


How many of us have said to ourselves, what if we are living a lie, meaning a world of lies, and hypocrisy, and admit we really know very little about anything other than what our elected officials tell us? They are elected into office as George Santos was, for example having had a $50.000 a year job, after being in politics for 2 years, it is said his worth is between $2 and 11 million dollars. The speaker of the House is retiring, they say her worth is over $100 million. Where is the transparency regarding how the taxpayer's money [...]

By |2023-02-20T15:52:29-05:00December 27, 2022|ISSUES|0 Comments


When I speak of the fake rabbit, sometimes is often which is in conjunction with talking of a Greyhound dog race. In which a fake rabbit attached to a pole attached to a speeding truck with the scent of a live rabbit, is what motivates the dogs to go speed down the track to the finish line not knowing the rabbit is fake. There are times I also mention the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, which can never be gotten because a rainbow is only light.

By |2022-11-10T13:21:05-05:00November 10, 2022|ISSUES|0 Comments

Too much Value is placed on money, and not enough on Life.!

After reading the heading, you say to yourself has this guy lost his mind? First, let's define money as a medium of worthless value exchanged for value. The real value is you! Your needs to live are The determining factor in the degree of life sustainability in keeping you/life alive. Again I have always said, due to the American way of life we would and have put ourselves in a ring of fire when it comes to surviving here on earth. All the bad stuff people consumed in their bodies and mind there are effects manifested Spiritually and physically which [...]

By |2022-11-11T09:31:03-05:00November 10, 2022|ISSUES, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Purpose of Welfare gone to the Rich!

Let's examine the purpose of welfare, which was to support white families and individuals in need as they work toward a more secure financial life. President Franklin D. Roosevelt focused mainly on creating jobs for the masses of unemployed workers,(white) he also backed the idea of federal aid for poor children and other dependent persons. By 1935, a national welfare system had been established for the first time in American history. The welfare policies lifted up the white middle class and largely excluded Black Americans. The general public in the United States has long linked welfare and race. This association [...]

By |2022-11-10T05:55:16-05:00October 5, 2022|ISSUES|0 Comments

Wall Street, Their Banks and Loan Companies Con-Games of the World!

The biggest lie ever told, was, there is no such thing as something for nothing. Wall Street Bankers and Investors make money from nothing! You give them your money, which they loan back to you at a high-interest rate, making themselves millions and billions of dollars. I cannot believe these middle-class white smart people went for this BS con-game. A thirty-year mortgage buying a home, paying 2-times the value in interest plus the principal at the end of thirty years, too often the property value is not the worth money you paid over the thirty years. There was a time [...]

By |2022-08-22T12:04:57-04:00March 1, 2022|ISSUES|0 Comments

The Last Train Leaving the Station For Black Americans.

The Train I'm talking about is the Economic Express, and the station is the Future. On paper, Blacks have been freed from slavery for about 150 years. In comparison to the horrific Jewish holocaust being over for about 75 years. Black Americans there is no more time to waste marching, trying to get our children into white schools where you are not wanted. There are certain things we must do as a people if we as a people are going to survive. The Jewish people rebounded! Black Americans are at the bottom when it comes to economics, education, and all-around [...]

By |2022-01-23T12:45:32-05:00January 23, 2022|ISSUES|0 Comments

From Beginning to End, Everything Remains the same For Rich People!

I am talking about this economic system of which we all are a part. I remember as a child, the stores had a very limited amount of assorted foods and other supplies, only a drop compared to the mega-supermarkets of today. Back then a loaf of bread was $.16 and the minimum wage was $.25 to $.50 cents an hour for Black people. As you see $.16 cents for a loaf of bread back then was a lot of money. Today that same loaf of bread could cost as much as $5.00 a loaf, and the minimum wage today is [...]

By |2022-01-10T11:10:05-05:00January 10, 2022|ISSUES|0 Comments

If People Only Knew, Death is Not the Ending but The Beginning.

The great mysteries of the physical dead, as I cannot remember the starting of my life. As far as I know, my life has been living since the beginning of time. Death is a state of nonexistence from this physical world or being in a non-productive state of mind could be considered mentally dead in this physical world. Relax and open your mind to the unknown becoming known. I visited an amputee in the hospital who had his leg removed, he said to me, he did not realize his leg was gone until he looked down and did not seed [...]

By |2022-01-09T10:15:14-05:00January 3, 2022|ISSUES|0 Comments
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