
People Deserve Better!!

The Kings and Queens of old leading up to Dictators, Presidents and people of great wealth today got there wealth from the sweat, blood and trickery of the poor and those of unlike character. How easily those at the top forget those who lost their lives fighting their wars, working their plants and fields for pennies a day, from which far more was lost than gained for those that fought and labored. The same goes for the equal rights demonstrations where the few that was allowed to reach the multi-million and billionaire status seem to have forgotten those that fought [...]

By |2018-03-26T06:09:32-04:00March 18, 2018|GRIPE|0 Comments


This Trump administration and prior administrations run rapid with corruption. The GOP is just as much to blame for some of the things that are going on in government today, because they are all in the same corrupt rich boat together, they know and do nothing! There is no equal justice under the law based on what has been and is happening in our government today. Politicians steal millions of dollars, never spend a day in jail. The public can't afford these high price million dollar lawyers to represent them. Especially when ones sentence/time in jail is based on his [...]

By |2018-03-01T08:56:52-05:00March 1, 2018|GRIPE|0 Comments


An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. Capitalism is the system of America whereas people who die or suffer standing in the way of private owners profits are simply Collateral Damage. These school shootings where children are killed with automatic weapons, the answer to the problem is a no-brainer. The bull sh-t, lies and the hypocrisy in our government has come to light or should I say people is finally waking up to the reality that no one gives a sh-t about them, [...]

By |2018-02-26T13:13:20-05:00February 26, 2018|ISSUES|0 Comments


We vote our leaders/politicians into office and allow them to give themselves a blank check, the best healthcare, unlimited vacation time which the American taxpayers foot's the bills and give the taxpayers sh-th in return. Where there is smoke there is there is usually fire, you would think!! The American people are to dumb to repair the fence after the horse is loose, meaning if you keep voting these same worthless politicians into office year after year while complaining nothing is getting done. what do you expect, with the same people? Life is very very real, don't be like the [...]

By |2018-02-19T11:42:56-05:00February 19, 2018|ISSUES|0 Comments

What do you really know about anything?

Let's take President Trump and his administration as an example; If it were not for political leaks and some honest reporting of the news, the American people would have no clue about the corruption in government by our elected officials. The sad thing is, what little we do know is just the tip of the mountain. If people don't educate themselves on a real common-sense way of thinking, they will forever be in the dark. Some people say go right, some say go left and some say wait on God. Meanwhile, your world is falling around you. The rich are steady [...]

By |2021-12-28T13:02:52-05:00November 13, 2017|GRIPE|0 Comments


WILBUR ROSS, PAUL MANAFORT, JEFF SESSIONS, MIKE FLYNN and SON, DONALD TRUMP and FAMILY just to name a few! No one knows how deep this corruption and lies in the top levels of the U S government goes. This Swamp needs to be drained NOW! I do not understand how the American people can accept this type of behavior from our elected officials.  This is why America is in depth and people are starving all over the world. These crooks are the reason, stealing everything. This is damn right sickening by cold blooded, greedy, heartless inhumane individuals! What I don't [...]

By |2017-11-06T04:19:00-05:00November 6, 2017|ISSUES|0 Comments


I really don't know who is worse, Paul Manafort who is being charged with corruption, tax evasion and Collusion or the spineless GOP that condon  this type of behavior while getting rich in office and not putting country first! Or! The clueless American people that accept and continue to vote these worthless politicians into office year after year while complaining nothing is getting done.........

By |2017-10-31T13:39:37-04:00October 31, 2017|ISSUES|0 Comments


Example; There was an invention which help seniors to put on their socks, did it ever occur that maybe bending over putting on your socks could eventually be good for your back muscles. Diabetes; I see people eating cakes, ice cream, pasta, potatoes, soft drinks and much more while shooting insulin, Did it ever occur to change your diet. Did you ever think your opponent is not going to help you win running in the same race. If I am in the medical business, why would I want you to be healthy?   Did it ever occur to you that just because [...]

By |2017-10-29T21:37:31-04:00October 29, 2017|ISSUES|0 Comments


The seeds of the living universe> Knowledge is the minerals in which we grow and blossom into that which we are! Animals are human consciousness made manifest from those that chose to live and die a physical way of existence at which time the personality is manifested over time. The human body is your living spaceship for you as captain chart your course  through time of transformation that you may become one with this universe. I see no other physical purpose for the being of humans on this planet except for the transformation of energy from a physical to a [...]

By |2017-10-27T19:36:45-04:00October 27, 2017|GRIPE|0 Comments
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